27 October 2010

Transition to Fatherhood Course Post-Test Results

I have meant to post this for a while now.  The following are the post-test results from the Transition to Father course that I offered.

  1. Were your questions about becoming a Father answered?
    1. 100% answered yes
  2. How would you rate the class
    1. Avg 8/10
  3. How would you rate the book you got to take home?
    1. Avg 8/10
  4. How would you rate the instructors abilities to facilitate the class?
    1. Avg 7/10
  5. How would you rate the instructors knowledge of the material presented?
    1. Avg 9/10
  6. How would you rate the location of the class?
    1. Avg 3/10
  7. How would you rate the pace of the class?
    1. Avg Just Right
  8. How would you rate the content of the material presented?
    1. Avg 9/10
  9. Was it is easy for you to arrange transportation to the class?
    1. 100% answered Yes
  10. Would you recommend this class to your friends?
    1. 100% answered Yes
  11. What changes would you recommend?
    1. More specific answers instead of generic/general
    2. More resources listed on the resource handout
  12. What did you like most about the class?
    1. The personalization of the course.
  13. How did you hear about the class?
    1. Online ad

Participation in the course was lower than expected.  However, after seeing other studies (primarily relationship courses), they have all primarily reported low participation from the male students.  So I don't feel as bad about the participation numbers.  This is something that will need to be worked on the next time I offer the course.

Word of mouth, and online advertising were the main sources of how people found out about the course, not that they attended, but that was the discovery path.  Next time, a paper advertisement will be less-likely.

The location of the course was another weakness. The course will be offered at a more central location instead of one side of the city.

Nonetheless, the class was a success. It helped prepare expectant fathers for their transition to parenthood. That was the goal, and it was reached.

Also, thanks to the Canadian Home Economics Foundation for partially funding the program!