Title: Creative Interventions with Traumatized Children
Author: Cathy A. Malchiodi
Publisher: The Guilford Press (New York)
Audience: Therapists, Counsellors, Psychotherapists, Social Workers
Subject: Creative therapeutic interventions when working with traumatized children.
Summary: Malchiodi did not write the book, instead she worked with 15 contributors to compile this book. After establishing the theory, the book is broken into three sections: Interventions with Individuals, Interventions with Families and Groups; lastly, Intervention as Prevention. For me this isn't a book that I recommened to read cover to cover. It is more of a book that you pick up and find the chapter that fits your current needs. It helps to think outside of the box for interventions. I own the first edition, but there is a second edition.
Score: 8/10 - This is a must own for clinicians working with traumatized children.
Amazon: $43.62