09 February 2010

NetSmartz.org Movie

This is a really cool video that shows how online choices can have offline choices. It's really important for us (and for our children) to be internet safe.

08 February 2010

Fighting the plague of pornography part two

Part two of the two part series of articles on pornography. Today's focuses more on how to keep pornography out of your house.

To see part one please go here. To see the references to support my claims, please go here.

Photo By: Salvatore Vuono

05 February 2010

Keys to fighting the plague of pornography

My article that appeared on Examiner.com has also appeared in the Battleford's Regional Optimist.

Please go here to see the article. The article is backed up with research. See the references for the article on an earlier post.

Dr. Leslie Seppinni Talks Celebrities And Plastic Surgery

Dr. Leslie Seppinni Talks Celebrities And Plastic Surgery

Book Recommendation: Alisa Goodwin Snell

I believe I have made a plug for this book before. But I feel I should do it again, since I have given this book a thorough read now. Before I just loved it because of a presentation I heard about it by the author.

I recommend Dating Game Secrets For Marrying A Good Man. I realize the book seems directed at women (marketing decision I believe), but the principals within are great for any single. There are three parts to the book: Be Safe, Be Confident, Be Successful. My favourite part of the book is the 3-date rule. These rules can help men and women identify someone who is potentially abusive or manipulative.

If you are single, and struggling, pick this book up.

04 February 2010

Study: China to experience bride shortage

An interesting look at how China will experience a shortage of about 24 Million brides by 2020. That is a lot of single men, and a lot of competition.

02 February 2010

References for Pornography Article.

I have noticed some of the comments on Examiner.com. Some have said that there is no research. Well, here you go:

Allen, M., D’Alessio, D., & Brezgel, K. (1995). A meta-analysis summarizing the effects of pornography-II. Aggression after exposure. Human Communication Research, 22, 258-283.

Bergner, R. M., & Bridges, A. J. (2002). The significance of heavy pornography involvement for romantic partners: Research and clinical implications. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 28, 193–206.

Bridges, A. J., Bergner, R. M., & Hesson-McInnis, M. (2003). Romantic partners’ use of pornography: Its significance for women. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, 29, 1-14.

Buzzell, T. (2005). Demographic characteristics of persons using pornography in three technological contexts. Sexuality & Culture, 9, 28-48.

Carnes, P. (2005). Sex addiction Q&A on SexHelp.com. Retrieved September 16, 2008 from http://www.sexhelp.com/sa_q_and_a.cfm

Carr, J. & VanDeusen, K. (2004). Risk factors for male sexual aggression on college campuses. Journal of Family Violence, 19(4), 279-289.

Carroll, J., Padilla-Walker, L., Nelson, L., Olson, C., Barry, C., & Madsen, S. (2008). Generation XXX: Pornography acceptance and use among emerging adults. Journal of Adolescent Research, 23(1), 6-30.

Ciclitira, K. (2002). Researching pornography and sexual bodies. The Psychologist, 15(4), 191–194.

Cooper, A., Delmonico, D. L., & Burg, R. (2000). Cybersex users, abusers, and compulsives: New findings and implications. Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity, 7, 5-29.

Cowan, G., Chase, C., & Stahly, G. (1989). Feninist and fundamentalist attitudes toward pornography control. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 13, 97-112.

Dobson, J. (1995). Life on the Edge. Nashville, TN: W Publishing Group.

Donnerstein, E. (1984). Pornography it’s effect on violence against women. In N. M. Malamuth & E. Donnerstein (Eds.) Pornography and sexual aggression (p. 53-81). New York, NY: Academic Press.

Dush, C., Cohan, C., & Amato, P. (2003). The relationship between cohabitation and marital quality and stability: Change across cohorts? Journal of Marriage and the Family, 65, 539-549.

Family Watch International (2008). Pornography is Destructive to Individuals and Society. Retrieved November 3, 2008 from http://www.familywatchinternational.org/fwi/policy_brief_porn.pdf

Goodson, P., McCormick, D, Evans, A. (2000) Sex and the Internet: A survey instrument to assess college students’ behavior and attitudes. Journal of CyberPsychology and Behavior, 3(2), 129-149.

Heaton, T. (2002). Factors contributing to increasing marital stability in the United States. Journal of Family Issues, 23, 392-409.

Kendall, T. (2006). Pornography, rape, internet. Unpublished manuscript, Clemson University.

Lavoie, F., Robitaille, L. & Hebert, M. (2000) Teen dating relationships and aggression: An exploratory study. Violence Against Women, 6(1), 6-36.

Malamuth, N., Addison, T., & Koss, M. (2000). Pornography and sexual aggression: Are there reliable effects and can we understand them? Annual Review of Sex Research, 11, 26-91.

Manning, J. (2006). The impact of pornography on marriage and the family: A review of the research. Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity, 13, 131-165.

Oddone-Pauluccie, E., Genuis, M. & Violato, C. (2000). A meta-analysis of the published research on the effects of pornography. Medicine, Mind and Adolescence, 11, 23-28.

Ropelato, J. (2007). Internet pornography statistics. Retrieved November 11, 2008, from http://internet-filter-review.toptenreviews.com/internet-pornography-statistics.html

Sapolsky, B.S. (1984) Arousal, affect and the aggression-moderating effect of erotica. In N.M. Malamuth and E. Donnerstein (Eds.), Pornography and sexual aggression. New York: Academic Press.

Schneider, J. (2000). Effects of cybersex addiction on the family: Results of survey. Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity, 7, 31-58.

Shope, J. (2004). When words are not enough: The search for the effect of pornography on abused women. Violence Against Women, 10(1), 56-72.

Stack, S., Wasserman, I., & Kern, R. (2004). Adult social bonds and the use of Internet pornography. Social Science Quarterly, 85(1), 75–88.

Thornton, N. (1986). The politics of pornography: A critique of liberalism and radical feminism. Journal of Sociology, 22(1), 25-25.

Wallace, H. (2005). Family Violence: Legal, Medical & Social Perspectives (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

Watson, W. (2005). Purity and Passion. Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret Book.

Zillman, D. & Bryant, J. (1988). Effects of prolonged consumption of pornography on family values. Journal of Family Issues, 9(4), 518–544.

Correction, That's #1

That's right. It is now #1 on Examiner.com Canada!

#2 Ranking on Examiner

It has been roughly 24 hours, and my article from yesterday has generated 250+ hits and is ranked #2 in popularity on Examiner Canada.

01 February 2010

Fighting the plague of pornography part one

This is the first part of a two part series. Part one looks at the side effects of pornography on an individual. The second will focus on how to prevent pornography from entering your house. (Picture By: Salvatre Vuono)

"What do you think is the number one interest among serial killers? What do you think is something that one in two men view weekly? Some men, one in five, view it every other day. Not the latest UFC match, It is pornography..." Read the complete article at Examiner.com.