30 December 2012

Adding Relevancy and Rewards to our Goal Setting

As we get close to the end of the year and the start of a new one, it is goal setting season!
If you have ever attended a workshop on goal setting, most likely the workshop covered the aspect of SMART goals, which is a specific formula for reaching your goals. SMART goals need to be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-specific.
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27 December 2012

Looking back at past family habits

A family therapist, Murray Bowen, believes you can understand a family and a person within the family unit when you investigate and analyze their past three generations. Even though everything is not biologically inherited, nor is everything a learned behaviour, it is interesting to see patterns that can be found when looking back three generations.

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14 December 2012

Sounding the alarm about violence against women

After the early December suspected murder-suicide allegedly involving NFL linebacker Jovan Belcher, there has been an inordinate amount of attention given by the media to the topic of violence against women and suicide. While the latter has had avid attention since Amanda Todd took her life, the former has garnered some unique attention from the media, activists, bloggers and other pundits.

There have been claims that violence against women is an epidemic in the NFL, and some other major sports. The women’s shelters, and validly so, are pointing out the problem, too. But this is one of those classic examples of the 10-90 rule. That is something that happens 10 per cent of the time is getting 90 per cent of the attention, and what happens 90 per cent of the time is only getting 10 per cent of the attention.


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06 December 2012

Pursuing what matters most in life; Being in the moment with those around you

It has begun to strike my heart that life is fragile, that this daily routine of striving to make a living and being with family can be gone, oh so quickly. A year ago, my family relocated to a new city. We were in the process of transferring records and the like when my then three-year-old daughter started complaining of back pain to the point of wanting to see a doctor. And when your child, at that age, asks to see a doctor, you take them.

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