18 January 2013

Take time to be with your family

As the holiday season concludes, it is usually a time when we look back and re-evaluate our priorities.

Typically over the holidays, we remember family members and friends, and spend time with them. But come Jan. 2, or shortly afterward, those feelings of being around those we care for, and being positive and warm, tend to dwindle away.


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15 January 2013

New Years Resolution: Take time to be with your family

As the holiday season concludes, it is usually a time when we look back and re-evaluate our priorities.

Typically over the holidays, we remember family members and friends, and spend time with them. But come January 2nd, or shortly afterward, those feelings of being around those we care for, and being positive and warm, tend to dwindle away.

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03 January 2013

Adding Relevancy and Rewards to our Goal Setting

As we start of a new year, it is goal setting season! If you have ever attended a workshop on goal setting, most likely the workshop covered the aspect of SMART goals, which is a specific formula for reaching your goals. SMART goals need to be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-specific.

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