21 May 2011

Meet the MAHE President

It has become apparent to me that I must do a plug for the Manitoba Association of Home Economists President, Getty Stewart.

I've had the privilege in working beside her on the Public Relations committee for MAHE.

She has been a key motivator behind programs like Fruit Share and Farm 2 School.  She most recently took part in a Flash Mob at East Kildonan Mall.

Her hard work was recognized as she received the Healthy Living Award from the Reh-Fit Centre.  You can read her reaction to receiving her award here on her blog.

As a result she is featured on the cover of the Winnipeg Regional Health Authorities magazine, WAVE.  Flip to page 20-21 for more.

Great job Getty!!

You can follow Getty on Twitter @GetGetty, or check out her blog on gardening or recipes, or her and her husbands motivational speaking website.