09 November 2022

Wellness Wednesday: PHALT

Pain, Hunger, Angry, Lonely, Tired. These are the basic and foundational components that self-care needs to look after. In the past, we have used the acronym HALT, but Pain, whether emotional or physical, is also a risk factor for relapse.

That being said, we all increase our chances of having a successful day if we have minimal exposure to pain; make sure our stomachs are full; we have healthy ways of expressing our anger; we feel connected to our friends, family, community, and creator; and that we have enough sleep. We all know what it’s like to be HANGRY, and the impacts that has on our decisions.

As we discussed last week about change, relapse is a normal learning process. Frequently relapse, or becoming overwhelmed, happens when we are in pain, hungry, angry, lonely, or tired.

When we are trying to make change or are trying to manage stress, we need to look after these five needs, they help keep our emotional tank full.