12 May 2019

Anticipated Board & Card Games of 2019

I'm a bit late to the party, but I thought I would share board and card games that I am looking forward to in 2019.

First, I want to fully acknowledge that KickStarter is my addiction.

Now that I have gotten that out of the way. Here are games that I am looking forward to, or those games with an asterisk that I was looking forward to this year and have received.

#10 Kill The Unicorns

If there is a game and it includes unicorns, my family (cough daughter cough) wants to have it.

This is a blind bidding game where you try to catch as many unicorns as possible.

#9 Volleyball High

This is a crisp newly anticipated game. There are not many volleyball themed games out there, so that's where this game piqued my interest.

#8 Kaboom Universe

Rescue the dinosaurs!!!! That's about as simply as I can put this game. Oh, and there is aliens.

It's a random cut-throat card game. Right up my families alley.

Turn on English subtitles for this video...

#7 Talisman: Kingdom Hearts

They had me at "Kingdom Hearts" and that was all that was needed.

I have never played Talisman, so this will be my gateway when it arrives.

#6 Critical Core

Colleagues over at the Geek Therapy Network brought this game to life. It's marketed towards building social skills and confidence for youth on the spectrum, but I am hopeful it can be beneficial for all youth in building confidence and social skills.

#5 Unstable Unicorns: Chaos and Control*

I mentioned unicorns earlier. We are already big fans of Unstable Unicorns, so when two exclusive decks came up, we were in.

If you have played Unstable Unicorns, it's the same basic game, just these decks either create control, or chaos.

#4 Trick Shot

My son and I enjoy playing Blue Line Hockey. It's fun skating miniatures around and scoring goals. However, Blue Line Hockey is from 1968 - it's dated.

Trick Shot looks like a fresh take on the game, with a push your luck mechanic. It definitely looks healthier than a 1968 game.

#3 Sonic the Hedgehog: Battle Racers

Sonic is all over the media, it's like it's 1992 all over again.

Besides unicorns, miniatures is another aspect of games that my family likes. The idea of racing our favourite characters from the Sonic the Hedgehog universe seemed too good to turn down.

Plus, Sonic looks like Sonic.

#2 Throw Throw Burrito

From Exploding Kittens to Bears vs Babies, my family loves their games.

A fast paced card game that includes dodgeball where the ball is a burrito? Sounds like crazy fun for family game night!

#1 Conspiracy: The Solomon Gambit

My family had the cool opportunity to play test this game. It was a neat experience for us to try a game and provide our feedback.

We loved the idea of out bidding hitmen contracts to retrieve the secret suitcase.

We are thrilled to see a game that we were involved in come to life. Which makes this game, the most anticipated, for me and my family, of 2019.